CROP INSURANCE » Acreage Certification Reminder

Acreage Certification Reminder

Acreage Certification Reminder

1.  Take this letter with you and ask the FSA Program Technician to please email a copy of your 578 producer print to:

2.  Once we have a copy of your FSA certification, we will process the information.
3.  We will then generate a prefilled Map Based Acreage Report that will be color coded to the planted crop.
4.  Review the maps with your agent to make sure everything is correct and sign the acreage report.

We are confident this method will reduce errors and save you time.  This process will allow you to visually see the crop planted in each field and potentially find mistakes.  It will also allow us to send your schedule of insurance more timely and reduce billing errors from the insurance providers.

Please make an appointment with the Farm Service Agency as soon as possible.  Be sure to certify Prevent Planted acres, those acres must be on the 578.

Final Plant Dates:

Arkansas 4/25, 5/1 NFAC 6/15, FAC 6/25 Rice: 5/25
Georgia 4/30 6/30
Illinois 5/31, 6/5

  *Varies by County

6/15, 6/20

*Varies by County,

**FAC 7/5

Indiana 6/5 6/20, **FAC 7/5
Michigan 6/5 6/20
Missouri 5/10, 5/15, 5/25, 5/31 

*Varies by County

6/15, 6/20, 6/30        

*Varies by County

Nebraska 5/25 6/10
Ohio 6/5 6/20, **FAC 7/5
Oklahoma 4/30 6/30 Grain Sorghum:


Tennessee 5/20 6/15 Cotton: 5/20
Virgina 6/10 6/20
West Virginia 6/10 6/20
*Insurability varies by county
Wisconsin 5/31 6/10, 6/15

*Varies by County


*Note: These dates may vary by policy. Please look in your special provisions or contact your agent if you have any questions.

Replant claims: Please call us before replanting any acres. We must have an adjuster contact you and provide approval before you replant. (Not all plans provide replant coverage)

Prevented Planting (PP) Guidelines: We must be notified within 72 hours after you discover that you will be unable to plant the intended crop, but no later than 72 hours after the end of the late planting period. Please note, not all crops or plans have a late planting period, not all plans provide PP coverage and you need to contact your agent to discuss PP eligible acres.

Questions or concerns, contact your local Agent