Producer Obligations

Producers must: Report acreage accurately, meet policy deadlines, pay premiums when due, and report losses immediately.

Producer Expectations

Producers will receive: Accurate answers to questions on types of coverage, Prompt processing of their policy and Timely payments for covered losses.

Important Terms

Sales closing date – last day to apply for coverage.

Final Planting date – last day to plant unless insured for late planting.

Acreage reporting date – last day to report the acreage planted. If not reported, insurance will not be in effect.

Date to file notice of crop damage – after damage: the date the producer decides to discontinue caring for the crop; prior to the beginning of harvest; immediately if the farmer determines that the crop is damaged after harvest begins; or the end of the insurance period, whichever is earlier.

End of insurance period – latest date of insurance coverage.

Payment due date – last day to pay the premium without being charged interest.

Cancellation date – last day to request cancellation of policy for the next year.

Production reporting date – last day to report production for Actual Production History (APH).

Debt termination date – date insurance company will terminate policy for non-payment.